Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good news

So they finally looked down into dad's stomach......and didn't see anything.

The doctor said that just because they found blood in his stool doesn't mean he was actively bleeding somewhere. Could be he was just really anemic was what caused him to need so much blood. They may do further testing later on.

I just don't know what to think. I'm sitting here scratching my head.

Unless something happens between now and tomorrow dad will be discharged back to The Oaks for rehab and hopefully come home.

The nurse left dad's chart in the room and even though it said it was confidential I looked through it. I found some doctors notes that mentioned something about dad's kidney's that was never mentioned to me. I do plan on talking to the doctor about this. As soon as the nurse could she grabbed the chart and left the room with it. Hey it may be confidential but I am family and I am health power of attorney. I have every right to know what is in that thing. And if I have to request a copy of it I will.

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