Monday, November 8, 2010

day ? whatever.

Dad is doing ok. He is better during the day if he uses his CPAP machine at night.

Tomorrow dad goes to have an out patient procedure done. It is a swallowing test. He has aspirated pneumonia because something he swallowed went into his lungs. The test will see if he is still doing that or if everything will be ok. You will NEVER be able to convince dad that this is something that is possible and that it can cause major problems if something isn't done about it.

Dad does have a urinary track infection. This doesn't surprise me as every time he had to be cauterized this happens.

Blood pressure is still crazy. It is getting some better. Thursday dad goes to the cardiologist to get his opinion about the medicines and if something else should be tried.

I haven't told dad yet -- because what if something changes? it wouldn't be pretty -- but he will more than likely come home this Saturday. Medicare will stop paying one day next week and I really don't want to wait until the cut off day before I bring him home.

How am I going to take care of him once he gets home? How will I be with him 24/7 ? I got no idea. (yes that isn't proper English I know). Any ideas?

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